Mid-year thoughts from David

As we navigate the craziness of life, I believe it's crucial that we not only protect our financial futures but also invest in our personal wellbeing. 

As some of you might know, I've recently hung up my coaching boots for rugby. While I'll miss the camaraderie, I need to prioritise my family and business growth. 

I've also re-joined the gym making the most of Les Mills being around the corner from my office in town. I am enjoying meeting new people and being better organised with my daily routine.

Along with being more mindful of what I eat, these small changes to my routine have been a game-changer for me, encouraging me to make positive choices every day that contribute to my overall wellbeing, ensuring I am better served to support everyone around me.

At Optimalife, we've always believed in safeguarding your future, focusing on your financial health. But to ensure that, we all need to be reminded of how important it is to be selfish at times, and focus on being our best selves, to allow us to better serve those around us.

I have noticed that insurers are increasingly focusing on protecting themselves by making it harder for new applications to gain cover with less restrictions. Although this helps existing clients by keeping future premium increases in check, it can make it difficult for friends and family to gain that access to cover, or your application to increase cover. The best we can all do is look after our own health to ensure that we don't have to claim, which at the end of the day really is the best outcome. 

Our personal insurance plans are designed not only to protect you and your family financially but also to provide peace of mind, knowing that you're taking steps to ensure your overall wellbeing.

Remember, life is a journey, and every step counts. Whether it's hitting the gym, exploring innovative wellness programs like AIA Vitality, or simply enjoying precious moments with family, your wellbeing is worth every investment so make the most of your health and make those baby steps towards protecting it. 💙


Claims for H1 2023